Precision with the gentleness of nature
Precision with the gentleness of nature
Digital Micro-Osteo is a non-manipulative manual therapeutic method. Initiated by Doctor Maurice Poyet in France towards the late 70s, it is a blend between Chinese energy therapy and the rules of osteopathy based on the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM) or “breath of life”.
What is the PRM or breath of life ?
The breath of life, or universal energy, can be found in all forms and living beings. In the early 20th century, Dr W.G. Sutherland discovered that the breath of life is present in the human body and named it PRM, Primary Respiratory Mechanism. It is a fluidic movement that organizes the being by enveloping, organizing and creating space as an invariable and constant breathing flow, allowing the body’s tissues to organize themselves. This can be seen in the adult’s movements of power such as walking.
Who can benefit from Digital Micro-Osteo ?
Anyone can benefit from Digital Micro-Osteo thanks to its many advantages such as gentleness, safety, precision and global nature. This technique is fit for any age (minors must be accompanied) and any physical condition. Newborn babies, pregnant women, elderly people and disabled people can all benefit from a session in an environment of peace and trust.
How does a Digital Micro-Osteo session take place ?
The average length of a session is 45 minutes to 1 hour.
After getting acquainted with the issue, the therapist asks the patient to lie on his back. Applying gentle pressure on specific accupressure spots, the therapist triggers the PRM. Thanks to this system, the PRM can be re-launched in case it stops at any point during the session.
Once the PRM is triggered, the therapist listens to the patient’s skull, where he can get acquainted with the PRM. The sacrum, which can be compared to a digital keyboard, is gently stroked. Most of the corrections to the spine will be made through this sacral keyboard in a safe, quick and efficient way. Following these corrections, the therapist will listen again to the patient’s skull, which can be considered like a map of the body. Certain parts require a local listening; this allows for a precise correction of the remaining joints of the body. That way, the body is taken care of as a whole and will quickly recover its optimal functions.
For Digital Micro-Osteo to be efficient, two conditions must be united: the subtlety of the therapeutic touch and the weight of the intention.
The subtlety of the therapeutic touch: The lighter the touch on the patient’s body, the clearer the therapist will see where his corrective action is needed.
The weight of the intention: The practitioner must be entirely present both physically and mentally, for a strong connection to link his mind and fingers. The fingers then become a translator of his mind.
What are the benefits of Digital Micro-Osteo ?
The big difference between a classical method of osteopathy (during which the osteopath resets the body through various manipulations) and Digital Micro-Osteo lies in the fact that the latter shows the body how to reset itself.
It also distinguishes itself from other methods by:
Gentleness : The therapist’s action is a gentle cutaneous digital invitation, like a butterfly gently landing on a flower. It is a method that takes action on the surface of the skin. That is why all kinds of people, with all kinds of conditions, can benefit from it.
Precision : Being able to check the subtle listening of the PRM at different levels and at any given time allows for more precision.
Global nature : The various corrections have a direct effect on the memory layers: the adaptive and primary connections at the root of functional disharmonies. The patient is then cared for in a global way.
Safety : Through a system of switches, located in various parts of the body, the practitioner can check if the PRM is still active at any given time of the session, and reactivate it if necessary.
Efficiency : Most of the spine’s corrections are made through the sacrum, which makes the task much more efficient, quick, precise and safe.
A manual trigger of the PRM : Thanks to this; no agreement between the patient and the therapist is required.
The instant verification of the corrective act : The therapist can check at any given time if the corrective act has succeeded, which guarantees the infallibility of his judgment.
Associate the gesture and intention with subtlety : The therapist must be entirely present both physically and mentally as he connects his gesture to his intention.

Energy is information in movement
Energy is information in movement
Etiology is a method of energetic support that was created by Doctor J.L. Brinette in 1989. This method frees the patient from his painful memories and cellular, physical, emotional and mental conditioning. As awareness and understanding grows, the patient finds his freedom of Being through restoration of movement, the “therapeutic principle” of life. Etiology enables better adaptation to our environment. It shows us who we are and which filters prevent us from reaching our real nature.
What is Etiology?
Etiology is a decoding technique that tackles the various elements that disrupt the human cellular system. It allows us to transcend these disruptive elements through our realisations. Once it is freed, our cellular system allows us to slowly change the way we look at ourselves, the situations we encounter, as well as the world that surrounds us. Etiology helps us regain our freedom of being.

Etiology is a decoding technique that tackles the various elements that disrupt the human cellular system. It allows us to transcend these disruptive elements through our realisations. Once it is freed, our cellular system allows us to slowly change the way we look at ourselves, the situations we encounter, as well as the world that surrounds us. Etiology helps us regain our freedom of being.
How does it work?
Our communication with our environment is guided by our emotional system, by what affects us personally. Our emotional system operates like a detector each time we face a pleasant or unpleasant situation. For example: when we wash ourselves with hot or cold water, we adjust the water temperature according to our needs.
These reactions have an effect on our entire cellular system and, therefore, our entire being. We have all experienced emotions such as fear, sadness, anger and joy. Our body detects these emotions and reacts in different ways: stomach aches, cardiac acceleration, cold sweat, allergies, etc. That’s how our emotional system reacts to a situation.
Sometimes, we retain certain memories of suffering. We have set up conscious and unconscious complex mechanisms and stratagems in order to avoid experiencing them again. Our reactions are therefore altered, be it through behaviour, speech, or thought. The memories of suffering that have not been transcended stiffen our relationship with our environment.
For example: a person experiences disappointment in the past. If those emotions linked to disappointment aren’t transcended, that person will be wary of others, and therefore of their environment. This mistrust is associated to the memory of suffering that will then control and be the embodiment of their life choices, like a virus.
Memories of suffering aren’t the only disruptive elements. Others include: educational, social, and environmental conditioning, belief systems, religion, certain medical treatments, transgenerational elements, etc.
To conclude:
Etiology allows the human mind to evolve and to take charge of itself as a whole. Its intention is to treat the root of our conscious and unconscious unease, on a physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual level.
Massage therapy
Even though it has been hard to scientifically prove their efficiency, massages are a human need, one that is often overlooked by our Western culture.
Massage therapy gathers various manual techniques whose aim is both to cure and to ensure the wellbeing of those receiving it. Massages allow us to become aware of the tensions that are contained in our bodies.
What to expect
The goal of a massage is to stimulate our 5 senses in order for the therapeutic touch to penetrate our most hidden facets. The massage can last 15 minutes to two hours, depending on the type of massage that the patient desires. A massage can be received standing up, sitting down or lying either on the ground or a massage table. The patient can be in his underwear or flexible clothing, and various tools may be used such as oils, stones or crystals.
Types of massages: Thai massage, Stressed back massage, Classical or Swedish massage, Aromatic massage, Foot reflexology and Skull massage.
Healing is my passion

My name is Gunnar, I currently live in Brussels. My own personal experience and various journeys abroad have led me to be interested in and directly involved in the biomechanical and energetic healing functions of the human body. I was born with a right-sided neonatal hemi paresis, and overcame this disability through years of physiotherapy and various martial arts such as krav maga, kung-fu, Qi gong, Ju-jistu, along with relaxation methods (yoga, meditation). After a long trip through Asia, I decided to become initiated to various Eastern massage techniques.
In 2011, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I was trained in traditional Thai massage, foot reflexology, hot stones and medicinal herbs at the “Old Medicine Thai-massage School Shivagokomarpaj”.
When I came back to Europe, I completed my massage therapy training. In Brussels, I followed several trainings such as: Thai massage, oil massage, AMMA massage and skull massage at the “Salvéa Massage Center”, as well as the first level of palpatory anatomy at the “Ecole Européenne Massage”, my first year in Shiatsu (Liokai school).
Through my massage therapy practice, my sensitivity to people’s wellbeing was reinforced and it led me to paramedical energetic aid. Towards the end of 2012 and end of 2016, I have followed serveral trainings of energetic technics such as Digital Micro-Osteo with Patrick Daguenet, Etio Medicine with Max Bernardeau, Biodynamic sensorielle with Pierre Duray voice, movement and energy with Vera Zanello.
My added value :
- Having overcome my hemi paresis disability.
- My experience as a therapist since 2011.
- My experience in various martial arts and alignment methods, which provide me with a good condition and an excellent knowledge of the human body, as well as its energetic and mechanical functioning.
- Knowledge of Digital Micro-Osteo.
- Knowledge of etio medecine
- A knowledge of other energetic aid methods such as CST and reiki
Fees per consultation (VAT included)
My studio 70€
On location 90 €
All consultation are by appointment only.
If you would like an appointment for a consultation or ask a question, please contact me via the contact form or by telephone.
+32 0493 49 76 28
Rue Jean Paquot 29A, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium